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Spending your time feeling pressured from all directions? Time to pause

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Does it feel like you are being blown along doing the things you can.

It's like a windy day and it's that pressure from behind that is pushing you in a direction of all the things that need doing. There is no break for you to just pause for a moment and think about the next step.

What if you were able to take a step outside of this wind tunnel to take a breather and decide if this the position you want to stay in or if there is another direction for you to explore?

My client described her situation as "It's like a windy day and it's that pressure from behind that is pushing me, in a direction of all the things that need doing. There is no break to just pause for a moment and think about the next step"

After the session she said, "I felt much lighter as if this is something that will be much easier for me to deal with in the future".


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